Is it possible, and safe, to treat vitreous eye floaters in people who have elevated eye pressures (IOP) and/or actual glaucoma? Usually it is. But with certain types of floaters (large dense syneresis types) combined with someone who has high elevated pressures it may not be safe. The incidence of high intraocular pressures after treatment with the YAG laser is very low, may between 2-3 patients a year and even if they need to go on eye drops for a few months, the pressure response usually resolves and everything goes back to normal baseline. Knowing advance the risk factors, the risk of this undesirable response can be reduced with good decision making based in a lot of experience.
#eyepressure, #glaucoma, #eyefloater, #vitreousfloaters, #eyefloatertreatment, #eyefloatercure, #spotsinvision, #blurryvision, #pvd, #posteriorvitreousdetachment, #vitrectomy, #fov, #floateronlyvitrectomy, #YAGlaser, #yagvitreolysis, #EllexultraQ, #ultraQreflex,#JamesJohnsonMD, #TheFloaterDoctor, #VitreousFloaterSolutions, #LFT, #laserfloatertreatment